Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hard Shirts

Typically, kids like to post all the really awesome hardcore/straight edge shirts they own. (xShirtsx, TeeTillDeath) I was going to do this as well, but decided to do it a little differently. I'll do 5 today and continue with more as time progresses. Here we go!

This shirt rules so hard.I purchased this at Northern Thrift in Huntington. One day while on the subway, Sarah & I noticed two Japanese girls talking about my shirt, so we asked what the back meant. They said, with puzzled faces, "It means sheep." This makes this shirt 100X better. Japanese Art also rules, so this shirt can't be stopped.

Sarah got this shirt for me for my birthday. This is a perfect example of why she is an amazing girlfriend. Deers + repping your home state = super hard. I want to wear this shirt to other states and see them back off in fear.

This shirt is a classic. I received this shirt in 5th grade, when everyone was a part of this contest. I still wear it to this day. At Ongathon 2005, two people said they actually won the trivia challenge and didn't even have the shirt anymore. Not winning and having this shirt > winning and not having this shirt.

Sarah used to own this shirt and decided to pass its hardness down to myself. The front has quotes from Caesar and the back has these quotes again, but in English. This is also done to show the effect of how hard these quotes really are. Caesar is repping some GB on number 8 while crossing the Rubicon. This shirt rules.

First off, it's fucking Uno. Secondly, this shirt reps the 1980s. Thirdly, I have three of them. Therefore, the hardness is tripled. Who doesn't like a good game of Uno?

Now, here's some hard bands:


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